Words of Truth - New This Week

New This Week...

New Files Added 07/21/2024

Sunday Podcast:
This Is Why You Have To Honestly Evaluate Your Abilities…

Sermon Outline:
This Is Why You Have To Honestly Evaluate Your Abilities… / PDF Version

Class Notes:
Studies In Revelation Chapter One

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Fifteen

Tuesday Podcast:
Studies In James - James 1:17

Thursday Zoom Class:
Studying Through Romans 2:4-5 - Zoom Study

New Files Added 07/14/2024

Sunday Podcast:
A Mature Understanding

Sermon Outline:
A Mature Understanding / PDF Version

Class Notes:
Studies In Revelation Chapter One

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Fourteen

Tuesday Podcast:
Studies In James - James 1:16

Thursday Zoom Class:
Studying Through Romans 2:2-3 - Zoom Study

New Files Added 07/07/2024

Sunday Podcast:
God’s Word Is Not For Your Entertainment

Sermon Outline:
God’s Word Is Not For Your Entertainment / PDF Version

Class Notes:
Studies In Revelation Chapter One

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Fourteen

Tuesday Podcast:
Studies In James - James 1:14-15

Thursday Zoom Class:
Studying Through Romans 1:32-2:1 - Zoom Study

New Files Added 06/30/2024

Sunday Podcast:
You Vs. You With Brandon Sledge

Sermon Outline:
That Internal War

Class Notes:
Studies In Revelation Chapter One

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Fourteen

Tuesday Podcast:
Studies In James - James 1:13

Thursday Zoom Class:
Discussion On Hope - Zoom Study

New Files Added 06/23/2024

Sunday Podcast:
Why Did God Save Noah?

Sermon Outline:
Why Did God Save Noah? / PDF File

Class Notes:
Studies in Jude / PDF File

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Fourteen

Tuesday Podcast:
Studies In James - James 1:12

Thursday Zoom Class:
Studying Through Romans 1:30-31 - Zoom Study

New Files Added 06/16/2024

Sunday Podcast:
When Liberty Brings About Complacency

Sermon Outline:
When Liberty Brings About Complacency / PDF File

Class Notes:
Studies in Jude

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Fourteen

Tuesday Podcast:
Studies In James - James 1:9-11

Thursday Zoom Class:
Studying Through Romans 1:29 - Zoom Study

New Files Added 06/09/2024

Sunday Podcast:
“To Prove The Sincerity Of Your Love”

Sermon Outline:
“To Prove The Sincerity Of Your Love” / PDF File

Class Notes:
Studies in Jude

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Fourteen

Tuesday Podcast:
Studies In James - James 1:8

Thursday Zoom Class:
Studying Through Romans 1:28 - Zoom Study

New Files Added 06/02/2024

Sunday Podcast:
Brian and Scott Discussing Being Careful With Your Words

Sermon Outline:
Be Careful With Your Words…

Class Notes:
Studies in Jude

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Thirteen / PDF File

Tuesday Podcast:
Studies In James - James 1:5-7

Thursday Zoom Class:
Fellowship Discussion - Zoom Study / Word Study Handout

New Files Added 05/26/2024

Sunday Podcast:
Withdrawing One’s Self Is Much More Than A Formality

Sermon Outline:
Withdrawing One’s Self Is Much More Than A Formality / PDF Version

Class Notes:
Studies in Jude

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Thirteen (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
Studies In James - James 1:2-4

Thursday Zoom Class:
Studying Through Romans 1:26-27 - Zoom Study

New Files Added 05/19/2024

Sunday Podcast:
Whose God Is Their Belly

Sermon Outline:
Whose God Is Their Belly / PDF Version

Class Notes:
Studies in Jude

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Thirteen (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
Studies In James - James 1:1

Thursday Zoom Class:
Studying Through Romans 1:24-26 - Zoom Study

New Files Added 05/12/2024

Sunday Podcast:
Studying Through I Peter 5:12-14

Sermon Outline:
Studying Through I Peter 5:12-14 / PDF Version

Class Notes:
Studies in Jude

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Thirteen (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
Talking With Bill Ard About Honoring Parents

Thursday Zoom Class:
Discussion on Romans 1:24 (Part 1) - Zoom Study

New Files Added 05/05/2024

Sunday Podcast:
Studying Through I Peter 5:8-11

Sermon Outline:
Studying Through I Peter 5:8-11 / PDF Version

Class Notes:
Studies in Jude

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Thirteen (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
The Beauty Of God's Creation

Thursday Zoom Class:
Studying Through Romans 1:22-23 - Zoom Study

Outlines on Elders are now available in HTML with a Bible Verse tool. They can be found here:
Bible Study Materials

New Files Added 04/28/2024

Sunday Podcast:
Studying Through I Peter 5:5-7

Sermon Outline:
Studying Through I Peter 5:5-7 / PDF Version

Class Notes:
Studies in Jude

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Thirteen (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
Where Is His Honor?

Thursday Zoom Class:
Correction or Love - Zoom Study

Studies in Philippians and Colossians are now available in HTML with a Bible Verse tool. They can be found here:
New Testament Study Materials

New Files Added 04/21/2024

Sunday Podcast:
Studying Through I Peter 5:1-4

Sermon Outline:
Studying Through I Peter 5:1-4 / PDF Version

Class Notes:
Studies in Jude

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Thirteen (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
Don’t Take Advantage Of Your Brethren

Thursday Zoom Class:
Discussion on Romans 1:19-21 - Zoom Study

Studies in Galatians and Ephesians are now available in HTML with a Bible Verse tool. They can be found here:
New Testament Study Materials

New Files Added 04/14/2024

Sunday Podcast:
Studying Through I Peter 4:12-19

Sermon Outline:
Studying Through I Peter 4:12-19 / PDF Version

Class Notes:
Studies in Jude

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Thirteen (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
Who Is Good According To God?

New Files Added 04/07/2024

Sunday Podcast:
Studying Through I Peter 4:8-11

Sermon Outline:
Studying Through I Peter 4:8-11 / PDF Version

Class Notes:
Notes on III John / PDF Version

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Thirteen (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
Talking With Paul Lovett About Parenting

Thursday Zoom Class:
Discussion on Romans 1:18 - Zoom Study

New Files Added 03/31/2024

Sunday Podcast:
Studying Through I Peter 4:7

Sermon Outline:
Studying Through I Peter 4:7 / PDF Version

Class Notes:
Notes on III John (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Thirteen (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
Don't Think Too Highly Of Yourself

Thursday Zoom Class:
Not Conforming To The World's Agenda

*Note: First, the
search feature is back on the site (at the bottom of all the main pages and under the pull down menu). Secondly, I am working on converting PDF files to HTML as well as adding clickable verse references to those studies (such as use to be on this site, but using a different source this time). Thus far, I have finished the studies in Luke and have the outlines on I Peter up to date. It is a time consuming process. I will keep at it as time allows. Next I plan to work on the notes on I Thessalonians, Hebrews, I John, and II John. You might have to refresh your browser when you check for what is done. The work I am mentioning can be found under the New Testament Study Materials Page

New Files Added 03/24/2024

Sunday Podcast:
Studying Through I Peter 4:3-6

Sermon Outline:
Studying Through I Peter 4:3-6 / PDF Version

Class Notes:
Notes on III John (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Twelve

Tuesday Podcast:
Make It Plain!

Thursday Zoom Class:
Discussion on Romans 1:17 - Zoom Study

New Files Added 03/17/2024

Sunday Podcast:
Studying Through I Peter 4:1-2

Sermon Outline:
Studying Through I Peter 4:1-2

Class Notes:
Notes on III John (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Twelve

Tuesday Podcast:
If the Bible Isn’t The Standard, What Is?

Thursday Zoom Class:
Discussion on Romans 1:16 - Zoom Study

New Files Added 03/10/2024

Sunday Podcast:
Studying Through I Peter 3:21-22

Sermon Outline:
Studying Through I Peter 3:21-22

Class Notes:
Notes on III John (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Twelve (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
Talking With Brandon Sledge About Time

Thursday Zoom Class:
Discussion on Romans 1:15 - Zoom Study

New Files Added 03/03/2024

Sunday Podcast:
Studying Through I Peter 3:18-20

Sermon Outline:
Studying Through I Peter 3:18-20

Class Notes:
Notes on III John (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Twelve (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
Most Churches And/Or Preachers Are Seeking To Destroy You!

Thursday Zoom Class:
Discussion About Miracles

New Files Added 02/25/2024

Sunday Podcast:
Studying Through I Peter 3:13-17

Sermon Outline:
Studying Through I Peter 3:13-17

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Twelve (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
Some Thoughts About Envy

Thursday Zoom Class:
Discussion on Romans 1:14

New Files Added 02/18/2024

Sunday Podcast:
Studying Through I Peter 3:10-12

Sermon Outline:
Studying Through I Peter 3:10-12

Class Notes:
Notes on II John

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Twelve (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
Faithful Christians Are Not Victims

Thursday Zoom Class:
Discussion on Romans 1:12-13

New Files Added 02/11/2024

Sunday Podcast:
Studying Through I Peter 3:8-9

Sermon Outline:
Studying Through I Peter 3:8-9

Class Notes:
Notes on II John (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Twelve (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
Talking With Trey Yeager About Erring Family Members

Thursday Zoom Class:
Discussion on Romans 1:9-11

New Files Added 02/04/2024

Sunday Podcast:
Studying Through I Peter 3:7

Sermon Outline:
Studying Through I Peter 3:7

Class Notes:
Notes on II John (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Twelve (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
CAUTION - Handle With Care!

Thursday Zoom Class:
Discussion on Romans 1:7-8

New Files Added 01/28/2024

Sunday Podcast:
Studying Through I Peter 3:3-6

Sermon Outline:
Studying Through I Peter 3:3-6

Class Notes:
Notes on II John (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Twelve (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
God Will Not Be Handing Out Participation Trophies

Thursday Zoom Class:
Discussion On Peace

New Files Added 01/21/2024

Sunday Podcast:
Studying Through I Peter 3:1-2

Sermon Outline:
Studying Through I Peter 3:1-2

Class Notes:
Notes on II John (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Twelve (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
All His Righteousness He Hath Done Shall Not Be Mentioned

Thursday Zoom Class:
Discussion On Romans 1:5-6

New Files Added 01/14/2024

Sunday Podcast:
Studying Through I Peter 2:24-25

Sermon Outline:
Studying Through I Peter 2:24-25

Class Notes:
Notes on II John (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Twelve (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
Do It Heartily!

Thursday Zoom Class:
Discussion On Romans 1:3-4

New Files Added 01/07/2024

Sunday Podcast:
Studying Through I Peter 2:21-23

Sermon Outline:
Studying Through I Peter 2:21-23

Class Notes:
Notes on II John (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Twelve (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
Talking With Scott Hamilton About Elders

Thursday Zoom Class:
Discussion On Romans 1:2

New Files Added 12/31/2023

Sunday Podcast:
Studying Through I Peter 2:18-20

Sermon Outline:
Studying Through I Peter 2:18-20

Class Notes:
Notes On First John Chapter Five (Completed Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Twelve (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
Let’s Think About Bribery

Thursday Zoom Class:
A Party Wherein Alcohol Will Be Present

New Files Added 12/24/2023

Sunday Podcast:
Studying Through I Peter 2:17

Sermon Outline:
Studying Through I Peter 2:17

Class Notes:
Notes On First John Chapter Five (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Twelve (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
You're Not A Sabbath Keeper

Thursday Zoom Class:
Romans 1:1 Audio Discussion

New Files Added 12/17/2023

Sunday Podcast:
Studying Through I Peter 2:13-16

Sermon Outline:
Studying Through I Peter 2:13-16

Class Notes:
Notes On First John Chapter Five (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Twelve (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
Thinking About Those Yummy Cookies

Thursday Zoom Class:
Introductions To The Book of Romans

New Files Added 12/10/2023

Sunday Podcast:
Studying Through I Peter 2:11-12

Sermon Outline:
Studying Through I Peter 2:11-12

Class Notes:
Notes On First John Chapter Five (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Twelve (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
Talking With Bill Ard About Racism

New Files Added 12/03/2023

Sunday Podcast:
Studying Through I Peter 2:9-10

Sermon Outline:
Studying Through I Peter 2:9-10

Class Notes:
Notes On First John Chapter Five (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Twelve (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
All Work, No Play

New Files Added 11/26/2023

Sunday Podcast:
Studying Through I Peter 2:6-8

Sermon Outline:
Studying Through I Peter 2:6-8

Class Notes:
Notes On First John Chapter Four (Completed Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Twelve (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
Preachers Are NOT The Way, The Truth, The Life

New Files Added 11/19/2023

NEW - Online Bible Study: Click here for details

Sunday Podcast:
Studying Through I Peter 2:4-5

Sermon Outline:
Studying Through I Peter 2:4-5

Class Notes:
Notes On First John Chapter Four (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Eleven (Completed Notes)

Tuesday Podcast:
Reasoning Through The Husband’s Authority Over His Wife

New Files Added 11/12/2023

NEW - Online Bible Study:
Click here for details

Sunday Podcast:
Studying Through I Peter 2:1-3

Sermon Outline:
Studying Through I Peter 2:1-3

Class Notes:
Notes On First John Chapter Four (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Eleven (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
Do You Want To Be In Heaven, Or Are You Just Avoiding Hell?

Updated Podcast Page:

New Files Added 11/05/2023

Last Article:
After Twenty-Four Years…

Sunday Podcast:
Studying Through I Peter 1:23-25

Sermon Outline:
Studying Through I Peter 1:23-25

Class Notes:
Notes On First John Chapter Four (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Eleven (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
How Interested Are You In Knowing The Scriptures?

Thursday Podcast:
Talking With Paul Lovett About Family Traditions

Updated Podcast Page:

New Files Added 10/29/2023

Studying Thessalonians - I Thessalonians 5:27-28

Sunday Podcast:
Studying Through I Peter 1:22

Sermon Outline:
Studying Through I Peter 1:22

Class Notes:
Notes On First John Chapter Four (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Eleven (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
God Doesn't Accept Worship From Just Anyone

Updated Podcast Page:

New Files Added 10/22/2023

Studying Thessalonians - I Thessalonians 5:25-26

Sunday Podcast:
Studying Through I Peter 1:21

Sermon Outline:
Studying Through I Peter 1:21

Class Notes:
Notes On First John Chapter Four (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Eleven (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
Is God's Silence Permissive?

Updated Podcast Page:

New Files Added 10/15/2023

Studying Thessalonians - I Thessalonians 5:24

Sunday Podcast:
Studying Through I Peter 1:18-20

Sermon Outline:
Studying Through I Peter 1:18-20

Class Notes:
Notes On First John Chapter Three (Concluded)

Class Notes:
Notes On First John Chapter Four (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Eleven (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
Your Good Works Must Glorify God, Not You!

Updated Podcast Page:

New Files Added 10/08/2023

Studying Thessalonians - I Thessalonians 5:23

Sunday Podcast:
Studying Through I Peter 1:17

Sermon Outline:
Studying Through I Peter 1:17

Class Notes:
Notes On First John Chapter Three (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Eleven (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
Don't Let Them Scare You

Thursday Podcast:
Talking With Calvin Edwards Jr. About Today's Youth

Updated Podcast Page:

New Files Added 10/01/2023

Studying Thessalonians - I Thessalonians 5:22

Sunday Podcast:
Studying Through I Peter 1:14-16

Sermon Outline:
Studying Through I Peter 1:14-16

Class Notes:
Notes On First John Chapter Three (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Eleven (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
Be At Peace Among Yourselves

Updated Podcast Page:

New Files Added 09/24/2023

Studying Thessalonians - I Thessalonians 5:21

Sunday Podcast:
Studying Through I Peter 1:13

Sermon Outline:
Studying Through I Peter 1:13

Class Notes:
Notes On First John Chapter Three (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Eleven (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
Gnats and Camels

Updated Podcast Page:

New Files Added 09/17/2023

Studying Thessalonians - I Thessalonians 5:19-20

Sunday Podcast:
Studying Through I Peter 1:10-12

Sermon Outline:
Studying Through I Peter 1:10-12

Class Notes:
Notes On First John Chapter Three (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Eleven (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
The Doctrine Of Insecure Salvation

Updated Podcast Page:

New Files Added 09/10/2023

Studying Thessalonians - I Thessalonians 5:16-18

Sunday Podcast:
Studying Through I Peter 1:8-9

Sermon Outline:
Studying Through I Peter 1:8-9

Class Notes:
Notes On First John Chapter Three (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Eleven (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
Beware Of Flattery

Updated Podcast Page:

New Files Added 09/03/2023

Studying Thessalonians - I Thessalonians 5:15

Sunday Podcast:
Studying Through I Peter 1:6-7

Sermon Outline:
Studying Through I Peter 1:6-7

Class Notes:
Notes On First John Chapter Three (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Eleven (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
Salvation By Works Alone

Updated Podcast Page:

New Files Added 08/27/2023

Studying Thessalonians - I Thessalonians 5:12-14

Sunday Podcast:
Studying Through I Peter 1:3-5

Sermon Outline:
Studying Through I Peter 1:3-5

Class Notes:
Notes On First John Chapter Three (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Eleven (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
He Is A Rewarder Of Them That Diligently Seek Him

Updated Podcast Page:

New Files Added 08/20/2023

Studying Thessalonians - I Thessalonians 5:8-11

Sunday Podcast:
Studying Through I Peter 1:2

Sermon Outline:
Studying Through I Peter 1:2

Class Notes:
Notes On First John Chapter Three (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Eleven (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
The Often Abused Word “Expedient”

Updated Podcast Page:

New Files Added 08/13/2023

Studying Thessalonians - I Thessalonians 5:4-7

Sunday Podcast:
Studying Through I Peter 1:1

Sermon Outline:
Studying Through I Peter 1:1

Class Notes:
Notes On First John Chapter Three (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Eleven (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
What Is Orthodoxy?

Updated Podcast Page:

New Files Added 08/06/2023

Studying Thessalonians - I Thessalonians 5:1-3

Sunday Podcast:
A Scorner Loveth Not One That Reproveth Him

Sermon Outline:
A Scorner Loveth Not One That Reproveth Him

Class Outline:
Notes On First John Chapter Three (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Ten

Tuesday Podcast:
John 6:44 Explained

Thursday Podcast:
Talking With Trey Yeager About Finding A Wife

Updated Podcast Page:

New Files Added 07/30/2023

Studying Thessalonians - I Thessalonians 4:13-18

Sunday Podcast:
Don’t Think Others Should Be Just Like You

Sermon Outline:
Don't Think Others Should Be Just Like You

Class Outline:
Notes On First John Chapter Three (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Ten (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
You Don’t Have To Be Hopeless

Updated Podcast Page:

New Files Added 07/23/2023

Studying Thessalonians - I Thessalonians 4:11-12

Sunday Podcast:
Abusing Authority

Class Outline:
Notes On First John Chapter Three (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Ten (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
Let’s Think About Church Directories

Updated Podcast Page:

New Files Added 07/16/2023

Studying Thessalonians - I Thessalonians 4:9-10

Sunday Podcast:
Ephesus Backwards

Class Outline:
Notes On First John Chapter Three (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Ten (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
The Need For Congregational Membership

New Files Added 07/09/2023

Studying Thessalonians - I Thessalonians 4:8

Sunday Podcast:
The Idea Of Perpetual Ignorance Is False

Class Outline:
Notes On First John Chapter Two (COMPLETED)

Class Outline:
Notes On First John Chapter Three (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Ten (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
Some Financial Advice

Thursday Podcast:
Talking About Going Door To Door With Scott Hamilton

New Files Added 07/02/2023

Studying Thessalonians - I Thessalonians 4:7

Sunday Podcast:
Let’s Talk About Stubbornness

Class Outline:
Notes On First John Chapter Two (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Ten (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
Use That Crystal Ball

*Note: You can also listen to the Podcasts I have done from several apps. Click below for FREE options:
Podcast Links

New Files Added 06/25/2023

Studying Thessalonians - I Thessalonians 4:6

Sunday Podcast:
But They Were Counted As A Strange Thing

Class Outline:
Notes On First John Chapter Two (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Ten (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
The Abundant Mercy of God

*Note: You can also listen to the Podcasts I have done from several apps. Click below for FREE options:
Podcast Links

New Files Added 06/18/2023

Studying Thessalonians - I Thessalonians 4:3-5

Sunday Podcast:
Save A Tree

Class Outline:
Notes On First John Chapter Two (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Ten (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
"It is Finished" (John 19:30). What Was "It?"

*Note: You can also listen to the Podcasts I have done from several apps. Click below for FREE options:
Podcast Links

New Files Added 06/11/2023

Studying Thessalonians - I Thessalonians 4:1-2

Sunday Podcast:
Be Consistent

Class Outline:
Notes On First John Chapter Two (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Ten (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
Is The Rapture Doctrine The Truth?

*Note: You can also listen to the Podcasts I have done from several apps. Click below for FREE options:
Podcast Links

New Files Added 06/04/2023

Studying Thessalonians - I Thessalonians 3:11-13

Sunday Podcast:
Sign Seekers

Class Outline:
Notes On First John Chapter Two (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Ten (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
Ruling Over Your Own Mind

Thursday Podcast:
Talking About Moving To A Sound Congregation With Bill Ard

*Note: You can also listen to the Podcasts I have done from several apps. Click below for FREE options:
Podcast Links

New Files Added 05/28/2023

Studying Thessalonians - I Thessalonians 3:9-10

Sunday Podcast:
Cognitive Dissonance

Class Outline:
Notes On First John Chapter Two (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Ten (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
Satan, Devils, Unclean Spirits, etc.

*Note: You can also listen to the Podcasts I have done from several apps. Click below for FREE options:
Podcast Links

New Files Added 05/21/2023

Studying Thessalonians - I Thessalonians 3:6-8

Sunday Podcast:
What About His/Her Day?

Class Outline:
Notes On First John Chapter Two (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Ten (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
Will The Earth Remain Forever?

*Note: You can also listen to the Podcasts I have done from several apps. Click below for FREE options:
Podcast Links

New Files Added 05/14/2023

Studying Thessalonians - I Thessalonians 3:4-5

Sunday Podcast:
The Fatherless And The Widows In Their Affliction

Class Outline:
Notes On First John Chapter Two (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Ten (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
If You Believe Instrumental Music Is Sinful, Then…

*Note: You can also listen to the Podcasts I have done from several apps. Click below for FREE options:
Podcast Links

New Files Added 05/07/2023

Studying Thessalonians - I Thessalonians 3:1-3

Sunday Podcast:
The Congregation Of The Dead

Class Outline:
Notes On First John Chapter Two (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Ten (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
The Parable Of The Fireman

*Note: You can also listen to the Podcasts I have done from several apps. Click below for FREE options:
Podcast Links

New Files Added 04/30/2023

Studying Thessalonians - I Thessalonians 2:17-20

Sunday Podcast:
Stop Giving God Credit For Something He Didn’t Do

Class Outline:
Notes On First John Chapter Two (Ongoing Study)

Completed Study:
Luke Chapter Nine

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Ten (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
The Difference Between Church And Individual Actions

*Note: You can also listen to the Podcasts I have done from several apps. Click below for FREE options:
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New Files Added 04/23/2023

Studying Thessalonians - I Thessalonians 2:14-16

Sunday Podcast:
Working, Loving, Serving, BUT...

Class Outline:
Notes On First John Chapter Two (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Nine (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
There Is No Partiality With God

*Note: You can also listen to the Podcasts I have done from several apps. Click below for FREE options:
Podcast Links

New Files Added 04/16/2023

Studying Thessalonians - I Thessalonians 2:13

Sunday Podcast:
Our Savior Has Abolished Death

Class Outline:
Notes On First John Chapter Two (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Nine (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
"I Am Ashamed And Blush…"

*Note: You can also listen to the Podcasts I have done from several apps. Click below for FREE options:
Podcast Links

New Files Added 04/09/2023

Studying Thessalonians - I Thessalonians 2:11-12

Sunday Podcast:
When They Opposed Themselves

Class Outline:
Notes On First John Chapter Two (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Nine (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
The Unavailable Preacher

*Note: You can also listen to the Podcasts I have done from several apps. Click below for FREE options:
Podcast Links

New Files Added 04/02/2023

Studying Thessalonians - I Thessalonians 2:10

Sunday Podcast:
Misunderstanding The Power Of The Gospel

Class Outline:
Notes On First John Chapter Two (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Nine (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
Humble Yourselves

*Note: You can also listen to the Podcasts I have done from several apps. Click below for FREE options:
Podcast Links

New Files Added 03/26/2023

Studying Thessalonians - I Thessalonians 2:9

Sunday Podcast:
And They Glorified God In Me

Sermon Outline:
And They Glorified God In Me

Class Outline:
Notes On First John Chapter Two (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Nine (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
Let’s Talk About Epaphroditus

*Note: You can also listen to the Podcasts I have done from several apps. Click below for FREE options:
Podcast Links

New Files Added 03/19/2023

Studying Thessalonians - I Thessalonians 2:7-8

Sunday Podcast:
Consent Thou Not

Sermon Outline:
Consent Thou Not

Class Outline:
Notes On First John Chapter Two (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Nine (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
A Contradiction Regarding Water Baptism

*Note: You can also listen to the Podcasts I have done from several apps. Click below for FREE options:
Podcast Links

New Files Added 03/12/2023

Studying Thessalonians - I Thessalonians 2:6

Sunday Podcast:
Are You Ashamed?

Sermon Outline:
Are You Ashamed?

Class Outline:
Notes On First John Chapter Two (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Nine (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
Are You Making It Harder Than God Intended?

*Note: You can also listen to the Podcasts I have done from several apps. Click below for FREE options:
Podcast Links

New Files Added 03/05/2023

Studying Thessalonians - I Thessalonians 2:5

Sunday Podcast:
Sometimes We Have To Be Told To Remember

Sermon Outline:
Sometimes We Have To Be Told To Remember

Class Outline:
Notes On First John Chapter Two (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Nine (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
Is I Corinthians 11:33 About A Common Meal?

*Note: You can also listen to the Podcasts I have done from several apps. Click below for FREE options:
Podcast Links

New Files Added 02/26/2023

Studying Thessalonians - I Thessalonians 2:4

Sunday Podcast:
None That Doeth Good

Sermon Outline:
None That Doeth Good

Class Outline:
Notes On First John Chapter Two (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Nine (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
Can There Be A "Friendly Debate" With A False Teacher?

*Note: You can also listen to the Podcasts I have done from several apps. Click below for FREE options:
Podcast Links

New Files Added 02/19/2023

Studying Thessalonians - I Thessalonians 2:3

Sunday Podcast:
An Honorable, Sanctified Vessel

Sermon Outline:
An Honorable, Sanctified Vessel

Class Outline:
Notes On First John Chapter One

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Nine (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
Does Genesis 22:1 Contradict James 1:13?

*Note: You can also listen to the Podcasts I have done from several apps. Click below for options:
Podcast Links

New Files Added 02/12/2023

Studying Thessalonians - I Thessalonians 2:1-2

Sunday Podcast:
The World Remembers, But God Forgets

Sermon Outline:
The World Remembers, But God Forgets

Class Outline:
Notes On First John (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Nine (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
Divorce and Remarriage

*Note: You can also listen to the Podcasts I have done from several apps. Click below for options:
Podcast Links

New Files Added 02/05/2023

Studying Thessalonians - I Thessalonians 1:9-10

Sunday Podcast:
Some Really Good News

Sermon Outline:
Some Really Good News

Class Outline:
Notes On First John (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
LGBTQ+..., What Does God Say About It?

*Note: You can also listen to the Podcasts I have done from several apps. Click below for options:
Podcast Links

New Files Added 01/29/2023

Studying Thessalonians - I Thessalonians 1:7-8

Sunday Podcast:
Not Worthy To Be Compared

Class Outline:
Notes On First John (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Nine (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
Does Godly Parenting Guarantee A Godly Adult In The Future?

*Note: You can also listen to the Podcasts I have done from several apps. Click below for options:
Podcast Links

New Files Added 01/22/2023

Studying Thessalonians - I Thessalonians 1:6

Sunday Podcast:
That We May Know Him

Sermon Outline:
That We May Know Him

Class Outline:
Notes On First John (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Nine (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
Is The Reformed Church The Right Church?

*Note: You can also listen to the Podcasts I have done from several apps. Click below for options:
Podcast Links

New Files Added 01/15/2023

Studying Thessalonians - I Thessalonians 1:5

Sunday Podcast:
Are You Really As You See Yourself?

Class Outline:
Notes On First John (Ongoing Study)

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Nine (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
The Scriptures Do Not Need Validation

*Note: You can also listen to the Podcasts I have done from several apps. Click below for options:
Podcast Links

New Files Added 01/08/2023

Studying Thessalonians - I Thessalonians 1:4

Sunday Podcast:
If A Christian Were To Fall

Class Outline:
Seek Ye First The Kingdom Of God And His Righteousness

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Nine (Ongoing Study)

Tuesday Podcast:
The Age Of Miracles

*Note: You can listen to the Podcasts I have done from several apps. Click below for options:
Podcast Links

New Files Added 01/01/2023

Studying Thessalonians - I Thessalonians 1:2-3

Audio Sermon:
You Can Have More Than One Emotion At A Time

Class Outline:
The Tongue Can No Man Tame

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Eight (Complete Chapter)

Tuesday Podcast:
Why Callest Thou Me Good?

New Files Added 12/25/2022

Studying Thessalonians: I Thessalonians 1:1

Audio Sermon:
Being Polite

Discernment Class Outline:
I Know He Is Not Interested

Tuesday Podcast:
Observe All Things

New Files Added 12/18/2022

Studying Thessalonians - Introduction Thoughts

Audio Sermon:
My Heart Is Fixed

Class Outline:
Was Jesus Murdered Or Sacrificed?

Next Sunday Discernment Class Handout:
I Know He Is Not Interested

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Eight (In Progress Study)

New Podcast Channel:
Words of Truth From The Scriptures

New Files Added 12/11/2022

Studying Hebrews: Hebrews 13:22-25

Audio Sermon:
Remember This - Man Became A Living Soul

Class Outline:
Are We Conservative Or Liberal?

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Eight (In Progress Study)

New Files Added 12/04/2022

Studying Hebrews: Hebrews 13:20-21

Audio Sermon:
Works Matter!

Class Outline:
So The Eyes Of Man Are Never Satisfied

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Eight (In Progress Study)

New Files Added 11/27/2022

Studying Hebrews: Hebrews 13:18-19

Audio Sermon:
Shutting Out The Noise

Class Outline:
Respecting Local Culture Without Conforming To The World

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Eight (In Progress Study)

New Files Added 11/20/2022

Studying Hebrews: Hebrews 13:15-16

Audio Sermon:
The Cleansing Power Of The Blood Of Christ

Class Outline:
Spoiling Through Philosophy

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Eight (In Progress Study)

New Files Added 11/13/2022

Studying Hebrews: Hebrews 13:14

Audio Sermon:
Godly Sincerity

Class Outline:
The Faithful Concealeth The Matter

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Eight (In Progress Study)

New Files Added 11/06/2022

Studying Hebrews: Hebrews 13:10-13

Audio Sermon:
True Faith Is Not Rooted In A Messenger

Class Outline:
Common Errors Made Acts 18:24-28

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Eight (In Progress Study)

New Files Added 10/30/2022

Studying Hebrews: Hebrews 13:9

Audio Sermon:
“Am I A God At Hand”

Class Outline:
Does Matthew 19:9 Justify Loveless Marriages?

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Eight (In Progress Study)

New Files Added 10/23/2022

Studying Hebrews: Hebrews 13:8

Audio Sermon:
Not Looking For The Free Ride

Class Outline:
What Does Proverbs 24:9 Mean?

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Eight (In Progress Study)

New Files Added 10/16/2022

Studying Hebrews: Hebrews 13:7; 17

Audio Sermon:
First, A Willing Mind

Class Outline:
To Answer A Fool According To His Folly Or Not???

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Eight (In Progress Study)

New Files Added 10/09/2022

Studying Hebrews: Hebrews 13:5-6

New Files Added 10/02/2022

Studying Hebrews: Hebrews 13:4

Audio Sermon: No Audio For Today

Class Notes:
Discernment Class On John Doe's Go Fund Me

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Eight (In Progress Study)

New Files Added 9/25/2022

Studying Hebrews: Hebrews 13:3

Audio Sermon:
“All Things Continue As They Were”

Class Notes:
He That Being Often Reproved...

Handout For Next Sunday's Class:
John Doe’s Go Fund Me

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Eight (In Progress Study)

New Files Added 9/18/2022

Studying Hebrews: Hebrews 13:1-2

Audio Sermon:
A Few Days Full Of Trouble, But Then...

Class Notes:
Can You Handle Liberty?

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Seven Complete Notes

New Files Added 9/11/2022

Studying Hebrews: Hebrews 12:28-29

Audio Sermon:
Some Oft Downplayed Instructions

Class Notes:
Was Jesus A Substitutionary, Abandoned Offering For Sin?

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Seven

New Files Added 9/04/2022

Studying Hebrews: Hebrews 12:25-27

Audio Sermon:
“Who Persuaded The People”

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Seven

New Files Added 8/28/2022

Studying Hebrews: Hebrews 12:18-24

Class Notes:
The Error Of The House Church Movement

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Seven

New Files Added 8/21/2022

Studying Hebrews: Hebrews 12:15-17

Audio Sermon:
Which In Times Past Were Not A People

Class Notes:
Are Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John In The New Testament?

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Seven

New Files Added 8/14/2022

Studying Hebrews: Hebrews 12:14

Audio Sermon:
Overreaching Elders And Preachers

Class Notes:
The Line Between Kindness And Compromise

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Seven

New Files Added 8/07/2022

Studying Hebrews: Hebrews 12:5-13

Audio Sermon:
Good Counsel Might Not Be Good For All

Class Notes:
I Just Follow The Good Examples Here

Updated Study Notes:
Luke Chapter Seven