A Study About Elders - Ruleth Well His Own House
Words Of Truth

Words Of Truth

"That I might make thee know the certainty of the words of truth..." (Proverbs 22:21).

A Study About Elders
Ruleth Well His Own House

I. Introduction:

A. As we talk today about a house [household] we must understand that we are NOT just talking about children (Genesis 18:18-19; cf. I Timothy 3:12).

  1. As was brought up in our previous lesson, a household includes anyone under this man’s care and/or oversight (I Timothy 5:4-8).
  2. Live-in servants are part of the household (Luke 12:42-45).
B. Maintaining a household is a difficult task for various reasons…

  1. Household divisions (Matthew 10:34-37).
  2. False doctrine can creep in (Titus 1:10-11).
  3. Women today reject Scriptures such as I Corinthians 11:3 and I Timothy 2:11-15.
  4. The world today teaches children it is “cool” to be a rebel which makes them evil and hard to manage (Jeremiah 5:23; cf. Deuteronomy 21:18-21 and Proverbs 17:11).
  5. Keep in mind as we proceed, lest I am not clear enough, that outside of the children; nothing is directly stated about that these men must have believing households. Is it implied? We will consider that later.

II. Body: One That Ruleth Well His Own House (I Timothy 3:4-5).

A. Those qualified to be elders “ruleth” [“to stand before, i.e. (in rank) to preside, or (by implication) to practice: — maintain, be over, rule”; Strong’s # 4291] “his house” [household; Strong’s # 3624].

  1. This certainly fits the responsibility of a godly husband; father; head of household (Ephesians 5:22-6:9).
  2. Can he be depended upon spiritually if he is called upon for spiritual guidance (I Corinthians 14:34-35)?
  3. Does he rule his household or does his wife rule vicariously through him (I Kings 21:25)?
  4. Can he properly wield authority (Luke 7:8; Acts 10:7-8) in his household?
B. It is certainly possible to be the kind of man that leads an entire household to faithfulness (Acts 10:1-2, Acts 10:45-48, and Acts 18:8).

  1. We discussed in our previous lesson these man having believing children. It was a specific instruction (Titus 1:6). *Including adopted children (Esther 2:7).
  2. We do not see a specific instruction that all in his house must be believers. Does being a good ruler of a household imply that he should be able to convert all therein and keep them faithful? I am not sure we can say that. What makes this hard is that there could have been men married to a Jewish woman whom wholly submitted to him, but did not believe Christ was the Messiah. Would that man have been disqualified because he could not convert his wife? Does ruling the household mean you must be able to convert all therein? Does authority apply in such a way? What does that do to Matthew 28:18, John 6:60-71, and then to I Peter 5:4?
  3. What makes this more confusing, at least for me, is that the Lord specifically addressed the wife of a deacon, but says nothing specifically about the wife of an elder (I Timothy 3:8-13).
  4. Here is something for all us men to consider. If you want your household to be faithful to God, consider the qualities of Joshua in how to lead in such a manner (Numbers 32:11-12, Numbers 14:22-24, Joshua 1:1-9, and Joshua 24:14-15).
C. If he cannot rule his own house how can he take care of the church (I Samuel 2:22, I Samuel 2:27-36, and I Samuel 3:11-14)?

  1. Remember, one of the words describing this man is a steward (Titus 1:7), which means household manager and that holds meaning (Luke 12:42-43 and I Corinthians 4:2).
  2. Does his decision making process in his household display wisdom from above (James 3:13).
  3. He will be trusted with caring for the Lord’s family, money, etc., does he do this in his own home (I Timothy 5:8)?
  4. If his own wife doesn’t submit to him (Colossians 3:18), how could we expect others would when they certainly need to (Hebrews 13:17)?
  5. He must be one who carries authority (ex. Matthew 7:24-29).

III. Conclusion: Men, Lead Your Homes So That Peace Shall Abound In Your Life (Psalms 128:1-6).