A Study About Elders
I. Introduction:
A. Terms that synonymously apply to elders…
- Elders [“…among the Christians, those who presided over the assemblies (or churches)” (Strong’s # 4245) (Acts 20:17).
- Bishop [“…overseership, office, charge, the office of an elder” (Strongs # 1984)] (I Timothy 3:1).
- Pastors [“shepherd” (Strong’s # 4166) (Ephesians 4:11).
- Presbytery [“… body of elders” (Strong’s # 4244)] (I Timothy 4:14).
- Overseers [“…elder or overseer of the church” (Strong’s # 1985)] (Acts 20:28).
- Steward “[“a house-distributor (i.e. manager), or overseer…” (Strong’s # 3623)] (Titus 1:7).
- What does one’s desires tell us (Proverbs 11:23 and Matthew 5:6)?
- What happens when men abuse their authority (Micah 3:1-12)?
II. Body: In This Lesson, We Will Discuss The Desire Of A Man To Take On The Role Of A Shepherd (I Timothy 3:1).
A. The desire to be an elder should not be for material gain (I Peter 5:2).
- Elders are going to be trusted with the Lord’s money (Acts 11:27-30).
- Elders can be supported financially (I Timothy 5:17-18).
- Thus, they will be in charge of the very funds they are authorized to be supported from. Hasn’t that been a problem in the past (John 12:1-6)?
- What often motivates false teachers (II Peter 2:1-3)?
- Authority should not be given to one who desires to lord over others (Matthew 23:1-12, Matthew 24:45-51, Mark 10:35-45, and II Corinthians 1:23-24).
- Does this man just want to have the preeminence (III John 1:9-11)?
- What is to be expected (Acts 15:1-23 and Acts 20:28; 31)?
- In a context about spiritual gifts, we find the office of an elder is one set to the service of the saints (Ephesians 4:7-13; cf. I Corinthians 13:8-13).
III. Conclusion: For those men whom desire to serve as an elder, remember the weight of that office (Hebrews 13:17).