First Peter Two Verses Eleven-Twelve
Words Of Truth

Words Of Truth

"That I might make thee know the certainty of the words of truth..." (Proverbs 22:21).

First Peter 2:11-12
Abstain From Fleshly Lusts While Living With Honest Behavior

I. Introduction:

A. The saints to whom this letter was written were reminded that they are the chosen people of God (I Peter 2:9-10).

  1. Being God’s people is not, by itself, enough (Philippians 3:8-12).
  2. You still have to fight on (I Timothy 6:12).
B. As God’s children, act like it (Ephesians 5:1).
  1. Christians have to separate ourselves from worldliness (II Corinthians 6:14-7:1).
  2. Living so that charges against your character are without any true merit (Titus 2:7-8).

II. Body: I Peter 2:11-12

A. Being beloved (Matthew 3:17, Acts 15:25, Romans 1:7, Philippians 4:1, etc.).

  1. Peter uses this statement six other times (I Peter 4:12, II Peter 3:1, II Peter 3:8, II Peter 3:14, II Peter 3:15, II Peter 3:17).
  2. This is just the same as Peter saying “you are dear unto me” to these saints (cf. I Thessalonians 2:8).
B. As strangers and pilgrims (Hebrews 11:8-16).

  1. Living as one who is passing through this world to a greater one to come (I Peter 1:13-17).
  2. Christians are citizens of the above (Philippians 3:20-21).
  3. Seeking what is to come (Hebrews 13:14).
C. Abstain from fleshly lusts that war against the soul (Romans 13:13-14).

  1. Such are deceitful lusts that corrupt (Ephesians 4:22).
  2. Such were to be put off (Galatians 5:24).
  3. The internal war that comes about from giving place to fleshly lusts (Galatians 5:16-17).
  4. If one is carnally minded, we know that person cannot please God (Romans 8:5-8).
  5. The fact is, carnality stands in the way of the truth (I Corinthians 3:1-3).
D. Honest [good; virtuous] conduct, manner of life [Strongs’ # 391] (James 3:13).

  1. Think about the faithful Christian woman married to a non-Christian man (I Peter 3:1-6).
  2. You have been purchased out of vain conduct (I Peter 1:18-19).
  3. We should be troubled by wicked conduct rather than being participants in such (II Peter 2:6-7).
  4. Live so that you are not giving someone the proverbial stick to beat you with (I Timothy 5:14).
  5. You can know that, if you are living faithfully so the world sees you, the false chargers are likely to arise at some point (Matthew 5:11, Luke 6:22-23, and Romans 3:8).
  6. When inspected, do your works defend you to the glory of God (I Peter 3:14-17)?
E. Saints need to be aware that are those waiting to catch the righteous saying or doing something they can lay charges against (Luke 11:53-54).

  1. Yes, you’re being watched (Psalms 37:32).
  2. No, they will not honestly examine you (Psalms 56:5-6).
  3. To some degree (*Luke 16:15), you should care what others see in your conduct (Romans 12:17 and Philippians 2:14-16).

III. Conclusion: Our Next Study: I Peter 2:13-16