A Few Things They Didn't Like About John The Baptizer
I. Introduction:
A. John was a chosen messenger to prepare the way for Christ (Matthew 3:1-3).
- Isaiah spoke of him (Isaiah 40:1-5).
- John confirmed such (John 1:23).
II. Body: John Was A Plain Speaking Messenger Of God (Luke 3:1-22).
A. They didn’t like John because, without respect of persons, he taught against unscriptural marriage (Mark 6:12-29).
- Under the Law of Moses there was a loose law about putting away one’s wife (Deuteronomy 24:1-4).
- Yet, even under the loosest law regarding marriage, having your brother’s wife was not acceptable (Leviticus 18:16 and Leviticus 20:21).
- John preaching against such was preparing the way for Jesus to establish again what was to be from the beginning regarding marriage (Matthew 19:1-12; cf. I Corinthians 7:1-2).
- Jesus called John more than a prophet and stated he didn’t wear soft [fine] clothing as they’d expect to see (Matthew 11:7-10 and Luke 7:25).
- The Lord said, long ago, that man looks on the outward (I Samuel 16:7; cf. John 7:24).
- He outright established who he was not (John 1:19-28).
- When the messenger is faithful and true, he doesn’t want the glory or authority (I Corinthians 3:4-7)!
III. Conclusion: Those that rejected the teaching of John in their generation rejected the counsel of God (Luke 7:26-30). How many people today think they are refusing a messenger when in fact they are really rejecting the counsel of God (Luke 10:1-16)?